Teadushuvi kevadkooli töötuba "Interaktiivne veemaailm"
Kliimamuutuse tulemusena on merevee tase oodatust kiiremini tõusma hakanud. Kui enne 1990.aastat tõusis see umbes 1,1 mm aastas, siis perioodil 1993-2012 juba keskmiselt 3,1mm aastas ehk tõus on olnud pea kolmekordne.
Ülesanne 1
Ava www.floodmap.net ning leia üles oma kodukoht. Seejärel sisesta merevee taseme tõus meetrites ning vaata, kas sellise veetaseme tõusu korral jääks sinu kodu vee alla.

Pane tähele, et pelgalt selle simulatsiooniga ei ole võimalik ennustada tõelisi üleujutusalasid, kuna siia ei ole kaasatud mitmeid faktoreid, näiteks pinnase ärakanne, maastikutüüpi jne.
Rohkemate võimalustega simulatsiooni leiate lehelt: https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/tools/slr.html

Merevee taseme simulatsiooni saab ise teha ka Google Earthis. Selle kohane õpetus on alljärgnevas videos.

Google Earth Sea Level Rise
Maailmamere soojenemise ning süsinikdioksiidi hulga suurenemise tulemusena muutub maailmameri üha happelisemaks.
Ülesanne 2
Leia, millised igapäevased ained/vedelikud on happelised, millised aluselised ning neutraalsed. Selleks ava interaktiivne labor http://amrita.olabs.edu.in/olab/html5/?sub=CHE&cat=PHC&exp=pH-Determination&tempId=olab_ot&linktoken=5fe286732488f3f528f80cbad08d937f&elink_lan=en-IN ning katseta erinevaid vedelikke/ aineid.

Rohkem interaktiiveid laboreid leiad: https://www.golabz.eu/

Veel veemaailma huviringi teemadega seotud interaktiivseid laboreid
Density and buoyancy

Simulatsioon: http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/density-and-buoyancy/density_en.html
Why do objects like wood float in water? Does it depend on size? Create a custom object to explore the effects of mass and volume on density. Can you discover the relationship? Use the scale to measure the mass of an object, then hold the object under water to measure its volume. Can you identify all the mystery objects?
Sample Learning Goals: Describe how the concept of density relates to an object's mass and volume.Explain how objects of similar mass can have differing volume, and how objects of similar volume can have differing mass.Explain why changing an object's mass or volume does not affect its density (ie, understand density as an intensive property).Measure the volume of an object by observing the amount of fluid it displaces.Identify an unknown material by calculating its density and comparing to a table of known densities.
Additional Materials: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/density
Sexual selection in guppies

Simulatisoon: https://leosiiman.neocities.org/guppy/GuppyLab.html
The Sexual Selection in Guppies virtual laboratory simulates John Endler's 1980 classic experiment with guppy fish demonstrating the balance of sexual and natural selection processes. In guppies, females prefer to mate with males that have lots of spots, but those males are more easily seen by predators. In the virtual lab you can manipulate the strength of female preference for spotted males, the number of predators, and the initial number of guppies. The result is a graph showing the trend in the average number of spots per male guppy over time.
Additional Information: http://leosiiman.neocities.org/guppy/GuppyLab.html
Rate of photosynthesis lab

Simulatsioon: https://leosiiman.neocities.org/rate-of-photosynthesis-lab/individual-photolab-graasp-en.html
The lab allows a user to vary the light intensity and temperature conditions of an aquarium plant and observe how fast it is photosynthesizing. The number of oxygen bubbles the plant releases per minute is a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.
The rate of photosynthesis will increase with increasing light intensity. However, at high intensities the rate of photosynthesis does not increase as quickly anymore. The rate of photosynthesis is optimal at room temperaure (25 °C). At low (10 °C) and high temperatures (40 °C) the rate of photosynthesis is not as efficient.
Sarnased laborid on näiteks Photolab (https://www.golabz.eu/lab/photolab), kus saab vahetada lambi värvusi ja vaadata, kuidas see muudab fotosünteesi, kuid seal ei loe automaatselt mullide arvu. Rate of photosynthesis collaborative lab (https://www.golabz.eu/lab/rate-of-photosynthesis-collaborative-lab), kus saab võrrelda talvel ja suvel toimuvaid muutusi.
Our acidifying ocean

Simulatsioon: http://i2sea.stanford.edu/AcidOcean/AcidOcean.htm
The Our Acidifying Ocean lab explores the chemistry of ocean acidification and its impacts on sea urchin larvae through interactive models, a virtual lab bench, and a microscope measurement tool. The primary aims of the lab are: Our virtual labs and activities serve many purposes. We have designed these open-access activities for individual, group, or classroom use. In many cases the virtual lab module will be most valuable if used in preparation for hands-on lab experience. Virtual labs may also serve as alternatives to lab experiences that may not be possible in the classroom setting because of limitations imposed due to time required for the actual lab, the expense of laboratory equipment, or safety. Our Lab Bench is designed to help students have a hands-on experience and is a part of several modules.
Märkus: olenevalt vanusele kasutada mõnda üksikut osa!! Näiteks PART 1: “pH of liquids”, kus saab järjekorda panna erinevad vedelikud pH järgi. “Diversity of life in the sea”, kus saab jagada elustikku lubjalembesteks (kaltsifiilseteks) ja mittekaltsifiilseteks.
Melting point of ice

Simulatsioon: http://amrita.olabs.edu.in/?sub=73&brch=2&sim=30&cnt=4
Students can change the pressure and see how it influences the meting point of ice.
Learning outcomes: Students understand the term 'melting point' through this experiment. Students perform the experiment for ice cubes & notice the physical change that happens during the melting of ice. Students will be able to do the experiment faster and more accurately in the real lab once they understand the different steps. Students realize that temperature remains constant when a solid melts at its melting point.
Deep sea driver

Simulation: http://www.thephysicsaviary.com/Physics/Programs/Labs/DeepSeaDiverLab/index.html
This lab is designed to allow students to explore the relationship between the pressure below a fluid and your depth in the fluid. Students will pilot a sub to different location, stop the sub and then take data. Hitting the walls will send the sub back to its starting location.
Cleaning capacity of soap with hard and soft water

Simulatsioon: http://amrita.olabs.edu.in/?sub=73&brch=3&sim=120&cnt=4
The aim of this lab is to study the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water.
Learning Outcomes: Students understand the terms: micelle, hard water, soft water, temporary hardness, and permanent hardness. Students acquire knowledge of the cleaning capacity of soap in hard and soft water. Based on the acquired skill, students will be able to classify the given water as hard water or soft water. Students acquire skills to perform the experiment in the real lab.
Märkus: Võimalusel võib teha katse päriselt läbi ja vaadata, kas ikka toimib.
Turbine simulation

Simulatsioon: https://harshuedu.bitbucket.io/pelton_system/Code/
Simulation allows students to design a small hydro power station to satisfy needs in electricity of a small village.